Wednesday, October 12, 2005

File upload max size

Have you ever developed a file upload tool? Well if you have, you will proberbly come accross a limit in the size of file you can upload. This limit can be configured in two places, the machine.config or web.config.

In machine.config, change the maxRequestLength attribute of the <httpRuntime> section. By default it is around 4Meg. The value is in kilobytes.

Alternativly if you have an admin section and you want a different limit to upload for admins, change the web.config file within the admin directory (you do have an admin directory don't you?)

Again it is the maxRequestLength attribute of <httpRuntime> and needs to be within the <system.web> section.

I hope this helps someone.

1 comment:

Mahdi Saffari said...

The Maximum size is 2097151
meaning 2,097,151 KB